Faculty and Academic Affairs supports academic leaders as they build and strengthen the academic units within which faculty carry out the mission and strategic goals of the University of Minnesota.
Advancing Respectful Academic Cultures
The work of University of Minnesota community members depends on feeling supported in an equitable and inclusive campus climate. Our ability to fulfill our teaching, research, and service mission requires that all of us pay attention to, and strengthen, the cultures of our academic departments. Academic leaders have unique roles in advancing respectful academic cultures; below are resources aimed at assisting you in this essential work.
- Academic Unit Diagnostic Tool (AUDiT)
- Developing Department Presentations on Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Harassment & Department Norms in Faculty and Student Relationships
Key Readings and External Resources
- Consensus Study Report: Sexual Harassment of Women - The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine
- Trainings compiled by the ADVANCEGeo Partnership
- Why Are Campuses So Tense? - Claudia Steele for the Chronicle of Higher Education
Additional Resources
- Educational Resources for Improving Unit Culture
- The Aurora Center for Advocacy & Education provides a free and confidential space for students, faculty, and staff who are victims/survivors/concerned people of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment.
- The Dignity Project Work Group through the Student Conflict Resolution Center envisions a University culture that fosters academic excellence by promoting civil and respectful relationships through effective prevention of and response to hostile, offensive or intimidating behavior.
- Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action addresses reports of discrimination, harassment, nepotism, sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking and relationship violence) and related retaliation
- Improving Campus Climate includes a list of resources for campus climate concerns, including bullying, harassment, discrimination, physical threats/assault, privacy violation, racial profiling, and retaliation.
- The Office for Conflict Resolution provides both formal and informal conflict resolution services to non-bargaining unit University faculty, staff and students who are experiencing employment-related conflicts.
- The President's Initiative to Prevent Sexual Misconduct aims for long-term culture change to build a University community free from all forms of sexual misconduct.
Awards and Recognition
Faculty Mentoring and Career Advising
Faculty Review and Evaluation
- Quick Guide: Merit Review
- Evaluation Processes for Faculty and Continuous Track Appointments (FAQ; April 2020)
Faculty Salary Equity Review
Information about salary equity reviews, processes, and standing collegiate Salary Equity Review Committees (SERCs) on the Twin Cities campus.
- Guidelines for Faculty Salary Equity Review Process for Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty (January 2022)
- Updated Analysis of Gender Equity in Salaries of Faculty at the University of Minnesota - Executive Summary (April 2013)
- A Statistical Investigation of Gender Equity in Salaries of Faculty at the University of Minnesota (June 2011)
Recruitment, Hiring, and Appointing Faculty
- Hiring Faculty and Staff
- Quick Guide: Hiring Faculty with Tenure
- Joint Appointment MOU Template
- Employee Recruitment and Retention (Board Policy)
- Employee Group Definitions (Board Policy)
- Faculty Emeriti (Board Policy)