Staff Directory

Beth Lewis

Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs
110 Morrill Hall
(612) 626-9545

Beth Lewis began her work as Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs in July of 2023. In this role, she collaborates with faculty, department leaders, deans, chancellors, and senior academic administrators to provide leadership in policies and practices affecting academic and faculty life.

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In alignment with MPact 2025, she plays a key partnership role in implementing faculty-related policies and processes; overseeing new initiatives to ensure the excellence and diversity of current and future faculty; strengthening the University’s policies related to academic appointments with teaching functions; managing faculty promotion and review processes at the central leadership level; and improving data gathering about faculty activities.

Dr. Lewis has been a faculty member at the University of Minnesota for 16 years. She served as the director of the School of Kinesiology for six years. She has also served as a member of FCC and as a faculty affairs associate for one year. She brings deep and broad experience to this position in faculty development, promotion and tenure processes, faculty awards and recognition, DEI work, leadership development, and faculty governance.

Ole Gram

Associate Vice Provost
110 Morrill Hall
(612) 624-5082

Ole Gram's primary responsibilities include implementation of key policies and initiatives, development and review of policies related to evaluation of teaching, outside professional commitments, promotion and tenure processes, responses to faculty issues, faculty leaves, salary equity, faculty awards, and faculty and department head/chair professional development.

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He serves as the University's liaison to the Big Ten Academic Alliance Department Executive Officer program and oversees the University's multi-campus implementation of the Works faculty activity reporting system.

He joined the Office for Faculty and Academic Affairs in 2010 and has extensive professional experience in higher education.

Key responsibilities/key contact:

  • Policy review and implementation (evaluation of teaching, outside professional commitment, promotion and tenure, faculty development leaves)
  • Promotion and tenure processes
  • Post-tenure review processes
  • Faculty salary equity review processes
  • COACHE faculty satisfaction survey
  • Faculty and Chairs/Heads leadership and development programs
  • Oversight of the Works faculty activity reporting system implementation

Rebecca Ropers

Senior Adviser for Academic Leadership and Conflict Resolution
170H Morrill Hall

As Senior Adviser for Academic Leadership and Conflict Resolution, Rebecca Ropers facilitates academic leadership development programs and supports leaders as they advance conflict transformation in their units. Drawing on her scholarship in higher education and leadership experience at several levels (including as vice provost from 2016-2023), she partners with faculty and leaders throughout the university to strengthen equity, inclusivity and conflict competency. 

Chris Bremer

Faculty Awards Manager

Chris’s portfolio in Faculty and Academic Affairs includes promoting the nomination of faculty for significant external awards and managing the nomination and selection processes for University-wide McKnight and teaching awards. She also works with members of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers to plan, implement, and evaluate projects to improve teaching and learning across the University. The Scholars Walk is one way the University recognizes distinguished scholars; Chris is part of the team responsible for updates and improvements. Chris joined the office in September 2012 and has worked at the University since 2000, after completing a Ph.D. in work, community and family education in CEHD.

Liz Engelmeier

Works Project Manager

Liz is the project manager for Works, the University of Minnesota's multi-campus implementation and integration of an online faculty activity reporting system. Her primary responsibility is to support colleges and departments through the successful implementation of Works. This includes on-boarding and training faculty and staff, serving as the liaison to the University's Office of Information Technology, and engaging with collegiate administrators in the review of business processes and technologies used in annual activity review and other faculty-centered activities. Liz has been working in Faculty & Academic Affairs since March 2022.

Lars Christiason

Executive Assistant
(612) 626-9545

Lars assists Faculty and Academic Affairs by providing communications support, office management, policy review and management, project management and events coordination. They graduated from St. Olaf College in the spring of 2023 and joined Faculty & Academic Affairs in April, 2024.