New Faculty Program

The New Faculty Program (NFP) offers multiple opportunities for tenure-track faculty, term faculty, and postdocs systemwide to jump start their careers at the University. The program helps faculty build their capacities in research, teaching, community engagement, career advancement, and leadership.

How to Participate

  • View the Fall 2024 NFP Schedule and complete opportunities that fit your needs.
  • Each event/program is assigned a value (NFP unit) that can be used toward the eight (8) NFP units required to receive a letter of recognition from the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs. If you would like to receive a letter of recognition, please track your progress using this NFP Record of Involvement and email it to [email protected] once you have completed eight NFP units. To look up NFP unit values for past events and programs, refer to this folder of past schedules.


Please address any questions about the program to [email protected].