
With our partners, the Office for Faculty and Academic Affairs fosters a culture at the University that welcomes, encourages, supports, and sustains a diverse faculty as they achieve excellence in scholarship, teaching, service, and public engagement.

  • Established in 1999 by former University of Minnesota president Mark Yudof, the Academy of Distinguished Teachers (ADT) is an organization through which its members provide important leadership to the University community, serving as mentors, advisers, and spokespersons for the University’s teaching mission. 
  • Housed within Faculty and Academic Affairs, the Center for Educational Innovation leads and supports major strategic educational initiatives that advance the systemwide strategic plan as well as the teaching and learning mission of the University. CEI staff engage in a variety of ways with academic leaders and all who teach to achieve educational goals that improve students’ learning experiences.
  • The Office for Public Engagement promotes faculty members' involvement in research, teaching, and outreach that benefits from our connections with local, national, and global communities. Specific initiatives relate to clarifying how to identify and assess engaged scholarship through the promotion and tenure process, and to determining how to support scholars whose scholarship embodies effective engagement practices.
  • The Office for Equity and Diversity advances inclusive excellence in all aspects of the University. Partnership efforts have included working together to recruit and retain a diverse faculty, advance mentoring efforts, and promote leadership that honors and advances inclusive excellence in units that advance the research, teaching, and outreach missions of the University.
  • Talent Strategy partners with us to foster a culture of leadership development throughout the University. The Office for Faculty and Academic Affairs facilitates leadership programs for chairs and faculty leaders, seeking to identify, support, and recognize leaders who are well-positioned as future leaders within the University. Talent Strategy's efforts focus primarily on formal assessments to advance leaders' capacities and self-knowledge, coaching and consulting, and leadership programs that address specific needs for increasing a unit's leadership capacity to advance priorities.
  • The Women's Faculty Cabinet seeks to improve and enrich the academic and professional environments for women faculty at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Reporting to the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, the WFC offers professional development opportunities for women faculty, reviews and advances policies to improve conditions for faculty members, and advocates for practices that promote equity across the University.