Well-prepared, fully engaged faculty represent the most important asset the University has in times of change. The skills, knowledge, creativity, dedication and motivation they bring to their work are the core of the institution’s mission.
Faculty and Academic Affairs is committed to the development of faculty members’ professional career life course at the UMN Twin Cities. We support opportunities for new faculty, mid-and late-career faculty, as well as emeriti faculty who wish to continue their life-long contributions to the vitality of the University community.
Here is an overview of leadership development opportunities for faculty at the University.
Academic Department Leadership Program (ADLP)
ADLP promotes leadership development for 20 academic unit leaders from across the University who are in their second to fourth years. Throughout the program, participants focus on learning how to build community and belonging in their units. Through a combination of large group sessions, small group discussions and individual work, these leaders will focus on understanding key concepts, discussing leadership strategies and applying their learnings.
Big Ten Academic Alliance’s Academic Leadership Program (BTAA ALP)
The goal of the Big Ten Academic Alliance’s Academic Leadership Program is to help a talented and diverse faculty develop their ability to be effective academic leaders at all levels of research universities. It is intended to help those considering leadership positions understand the university as dynamic and inclusive institutions, and to help them build awareness of the diverse, complex, and changing landscape of higher education while exploring their role in that landscape. Participants are selected through a nomination/application process each spring. The ALP is ideally suited for associate deans, experienced chairs/heads/directors, and faculty governance leaders.
Big Ten Academic Alliance’s Department Executive Officers Leadership Program (BTAA DEO)
Each year approximately 65 department executive officers from Big Ten Academic Alliance universities come together for a unique leadership development seminar focused on relatively new chairs and heads. Topics range from conflict resolution and mentoring to faculty development, performance reviews, and group problem-solving. Faculty & Academic Affairs typically selects people in their second or third years who have been actively involved in PALS, have demonstrated sound leadership, and who are likely to remain in their roles beyond three years.
Provost's Academic Leadership Seminar (PALS)
The Provost's Academic Leadership Seminar (PALS) is a year-long program designed to help new chairs, heads, and associate deans for faculty affairs understand the responsibilities and resources associated with academic leadership so that they can succeed. Topics include aligning time with priorities, diversity and departmental excellence, the role of a department executive officer, managing conflict and dealing with difficult issues, mentoring faculty across the lifespan, issues related to human resources, advancing the teaching mission, promotion and tenure processes, creating an academic community, and more.
Talking Heads
Talking Heads is a series that invites all chairs and heads to come together to discuss particular aspects of their roles. Meetings are informal gatherings organized by and for department heads and chairs on how to thrive and survive as a department executive officer. They are intended to provide a space for chairs and heads to socialize and share ideas across colleges and departments.